The Ecospiritual Hub

Welcome To

The Ecospiritual Hub

For Those Who Take Nature to Heart

What We're About

The term Ecospirituality is versatile and overarching. It connects science-based perspectives on the natural world with spiritual responses (e.g. gratitude, reverence, humility, compassion, joy) and environmental activism.

Groups pursue and celebrate this trajectory under many different appellations, including pantheist, pagan, religious naturalist, and numerous others. The groups also typically lift up particular facets of the trajectory: some combine it with meditative practice; others with group ritual; others with analytic conversation; others with the perspectives of traditional faiths.

Below we provide brief descriptions and links to ecospiritual groups that encompass this diversity, most of which offer free membership, social-media connection, and informative websites and newsletters. Many people belong to multiple groups.

Image of mountainsImage of a forest

Ecospiritual Organizations

Atheopaganism Logo


An Earth-honoring religious path rooted in science, a supernatural-free tradition of seasonal celebrations and observances, ritual and meditation, and other meaningful practices.


Pagan Tradition

Center for Earth Ethics Logo

Center for Earth Ethics

The Center for Earth Ethics works to change the dominant value system from one based on short-term material gain–no matter the pollution, depletion and inequity that result–to one based on the long-term health of the whole community of life. We work through education, convening and advocacy to raise public consciousness as well as to shift policy and culture.



Center for Wild Spirituality Logo

Center for Wild Spirituality

is a hub for those stepping into to the large story of interconnected relationship with the sacred in all things. While rooted in the mystical Christ tradition, the vision for the Center for Wild Spirituality is a larger circle that includes and also transcends those who are rooted in the Christian story.

Christian Tradition

Creation Spirituality Communities Logo

Creation Spirituality Communities

is a network of individuals and communities who experience our own spiritual paths in connection to the evolving paradigms of the universe. The Four Paths of Creation Spirituality is a spiritual practice which invites us to consciously take part in the cycle of life.

Deep Transformation Network Logo

Deep Transformation Network

An online community for people who recognize that our civilization is in existential crisis and who want to engage with others in facilitating a deep transformation toward a life-affirming future on a regenerated Earth.


Open Discussion

Deeptime Network Logo

Deeptime Network

A focus on the meanings of the Universe Story, as presented here, and on developing avenues to bring this story both to the classroom and to the general public via a series of seminars and on-line discussion. Strong orientation in the teachings of Maria Montessori and Thomas Berry.



Earth & Spirit Center Logo

Earth & Spirit Center

We’re a nonprofit, interfaith spirituality center deeply rooted in the idea that everything is interconnected. We teach contemplative practices like mindfulness for personal and organizational growth, social transformation, and environmental care.


Political Action


Earth Charter Logo

Earth Charter

The Earth Charter is a document with sixteen principles that drive a global movement towards a more just, sustainable and peaceful world. To support the movement, our Education Center offers courses, resource materials and network opportunities to turn conscience into action.




Gaian Way Logo

Gaian Way

The Gaian Way stems from the understanding that the Earth is a living system, a holobiont on a planetary-scale that we are part of and utterly depend on. It draws not on magic or mysticism but on science. It lifts up our spiritual power in knowing that we are part of this being, that it nurtures and sustains us, and gives our lives meaning.





Global Compassion Coalition Logo

Global Compassion Coalition

We have the resources to alleviate suffering and promote human flourishing. What we need to do is spread the will, wisdom, and courage to act. That is why we are coming together to promote, cultivate, and spread compassionate thinking, feeling, and action.



Political Action

Grateful Living Logo

Grateful Living

As a way of life grounded in taking nothing for granted, Grateful Living brings deeper peace, greater well-being, and an enhanced capacity for joy to people all around the globe. As a moment-to-moment practice, it wakes us up to the opportunities always available to us, even in the most uncertain and challenging times.



GreenSpirit Logo


is a network of people who practice loving our living planet. We stand in awe and wonder of our precious home. Our holistic vision brings together the rigour of science, the creativity of artistic expression and the wisdom of spiritual traditions. We share and celebrate our inner and outer life together locally and nationally. We welcome all who seek a shift in consciousness towards a loving connection with the Earth and all life.



Humans and Nature Logo

Humans and Nature

Deepen your connection with nature. Discover multiple ways of understanding and connecting with the world around you. Explore stories and ideas that provide diverse and in-depth perspectives that foster curiosity, build community, and inspire action.



Institute on Religion in an Age of Science Logo

Institute on Religion in an Age of Science

IRAS cultivates a community of informed and respectful inquiry and dialogue at the intersections of science with religion, spirituality and philosophy in service of global, societal and personal well-being.



Interfaith Power & Light Logo

Interfaith Power & Light

Interfaith Power & Light envisions a stable climate where humans live in right and just relationship, interconnected with a healthy, thriving, natural world. Our mission is to inspire and mobilize people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change.

Political Action

Mepkin Abbey Forum on Contemplative Ecology Logo

Mepkin Abbey Forum on Contemplative Ecology

An interactive series of virtual interviews with leaders in the field conducted by Sam C. King, educator, writer and contemplative ecologist.


Naturalistic Paganism Logo

Naturalistic Paganism

speaks to those who are uncomfortable with the supernatural or metaphysical elements of contemporary Paganism. It is often described as a religion of immanence, in contrast to religions of transcendence, as manifest by the concept of a pantheistic Goddess, the seasonal Wheel of the Year, and a pro-body ethic. Naturalistic Pagans share a love of the myth and ritual of Paganism, but not what we see as its irrational credulity and superstition.

Pagan Tradition

Novasutras Logo


The Novasutras ecospiritual movement helps us become interconnected with the more-than-human world through reverence, joy, generosity, gratitude, and loving-kindness. We come together both online and in person to share information, act for change, support wellness practices, and cultivate beloved community.


Political Action

Oika Logo


To restore earthly flourishing, we must rediscover and re-inhabit what it means to be Earthlings. For this, Oika looks to the two great hallmarks of human endeavor; science and art. We call on science to discover and decipher nature, and art to help us heal and feel the nature within us.



Religious Naturalist Association Logo

Religious Naturalist Association

Religious Naturalists believe that the beauty, wonder, and scientific understandings of nature are essential foundations for our pursuit of personal wholeness, social coherence, and planetary sustainability.

Open Discussion



Spiritual Naturalist Community Logo

Spiritual Naturalist Community

We explore spiritual naturalism as a diverse path of nature, reason, and science that can help us find wholeness and meaning. We seek to educate and support those who engage in the philosophies, traditional wisdom(s), and contemplative and ritual practices that inspire spiritual naturalism. We strive to be an open and friendly community that brings spiritual naturalists together for mutual discovery, connection, and engagement. Come and explore with us.



Spirituality & Sustainability Global Network Logo

Spirituality & Sustainability Global Network

To inspire, educate, and network eco-spiritual leaders and activists, especially emerging young leaders, from across all the spiritual traditions of our entire human family, for personal, local, and global spiritual-ecological transformation.



The Center for Spirituality in Nature Logo

The Center for Spirituality in Nature

The Center for Spirituality in Nature provides opportunities for deepening spirituality through nature and for nurturing loving relationships with the Earth. Through spiritual re-awakening, re-grounding and re-orientation, we mindfully participate in the healing of the Earth community of which we are called to be a loving part.



The Wild Church Network Logo

The Wild Church Network

Returning to Nature as Spiritual Practice encourages and supports people who feel the call to create a spiritual community that reconnects us to the rest of the alive and sacred world.


Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth Logo

Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth

is a seedbed for spiritual grounding and education that inspires deep practices of Earth care, justice and flourishing for all. Our vision is a world in which reverence, gratitude, and care for each other and for the living Earth are central to the lives of all people.


Universal Pantheist Society Logo

Universal Pantheist Society

A community of pantheists who derive their fundamental religious experience through their personal relationship with the Universe. They feel that Nature is the ultimate context for human existence, and seek to improve their relationship with the natural world as their fundamental religious responsibility. The Society has published its quarterly newsletter Pantheist Vision for over 40 years.



Vita Sapien Logo

Vita Sapien

Vita Sapien is an Australian charity and a registered religious institution that promotes Lifewise Philosophy. Lifewise integrates wisdom from ancient traditions, environmental sciences, and nature spirituality to offer a modern and sustainable life philosophy. Lifewise consists of three sections: World View, Spiritual View, and Practices. Its objective is to support humanity in navigating this turbulent century and to foster the Verdant Age — a potential future era where humanity and the biosphere flourish in harmony.



World Pantheist Movement Logo

World Pantheist Movement

embraces a strongly naturalistic and scientific pantheism, without belief in supernatural gods or powers. We see the Universe as our Ultimate Power, connecting everything, inspiring awe, curiosity, and wonder. On Earth, Nature offers us beauty and solace, calling for committed action to reduce humanity’s disastrous impact and develop sustainable ways of life. We promote animal and human rights and facilitate social networking among friends and members.



Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology Logo

Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

An exploration of religious worldviews, texts, ethics, and ecospiritualities that can contribute to environmental solutions along with science, policy, law, economics, and appropriate technology. Offers online courses and videos on the religion/ecology interface. Lifts up eco-minded activities within present-day traditions, including indigenous initiatives.



Ecospiritual Resources

Cari Taylor Logo

Cari Taylor

There is a thread of life existing through all things, it is a sacred thread that creates all of life. It holds its own desires, intentions, designs, and is the language of life; its conversation, if you will, offered to us as the Living System.





Holyscapes Logo


The Holyscapes Project is attempting to capture something more than just the miraculous this-ness of each creature. Holyscapes are the places that nourish our Inscape. Holyscapes are our very own spiritual ecologies whether urban, suburban, rural or wild.




JD Stillwater Logo

JD Stillwater

JD Stillwater is a science ambassador and culture-shifter whose mission is to lead the wider culture toward a worldview that’s better aligned with reality. JD speaks and writes about fundamental patterns in the findings of science: Unity and Kinship; Ambiguity; Both-And outcomes; Evolution and Process; Humility in the face of deep time and the vastness of space.



Science Musings Logo

Science Musings

Science writer and naturalist Chet Raymo’s weekly Science Musings column appeared in the Boston Globe from 1983 to 2003. The column offered informed and provocative meditations on science as a creative human activity and celebrated the grandeur and mystery of the natural world. Chet continued writing Science Musings for a global audience on his blog from 2004 until his retirement from writing in 2016. In over thirty years, both in print and online, he produced over one thousand essays and four thousand blog posts exploring science and nature.


The Great Story Logo

The Great Story

Michael Dowd's passion for proclaiming a pro-science, nature-honoring message of inspiration — what he calls "the gospel of right relationship to Reality" — has earned him the moniker 'Rev. Reality', as he speaks prophetically in secular and religious settings about our sacred responsibility to future generations.



The Hopeful Mindset Logo

The Hopeful Mindset

The Hopeful Mindset is based on the actual nature of the world. Rather than being independent selves, human beings, along with all life forms on the planet, exist interdependently; depending on each other and the environment for existence.



Thomas Berry Logo

Thomas Berry

The mission of the Thomas Berry Foundation is to carry out the Great Work of Thomas in enhancing the flourishing of the Earth community.
